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The LIMALEB project generates a series of conversations, designed and held by PhD researcher Rachelle Gloudemans, with some of the authors whose works are included in the project corpus.

This page will be updated with more conversations.

A conversation with Wlodek Goldkorn

Wlodek Goldkorn is the author of the novels Il bambino nella neve (‘The child in the snow’, Feltrinelli, 2016) and L’asino del Messia (‘The Messiah’s mule’, Feltrinelli, 2019). Goldkorn was born in Katowice (Poland) in 1952, but left, along with his family, for Israel in 1968. Since 1976, Wlodek Goldkorn resides in Italy, where he has worked as a journalist.

The conversation between the PhD researcher, Rachelle Gloudemans, and Wlodek Goldkorn was recorded on 22 February 2022 in Rome.

A conversation with Victor Magiar

Victor Magiar is the author of E venne la notte (‘And night came’, La Giuntina, 2003). Magiar was born in Tripoli (Libya) in 1957 and has lived in Rome since 1967. Co-founder of the ‘Martin Buber Group - Jews for Peace’, Magiar has served as councillor of the Jewish Community of Rome to the Union of Italian Jewish Communities. He was a city councillor in Rome for policies relating to peace education, solidarity and international cooperation.


The conversation between the PhD researcher, Rachelle Gloudemans, and Victor Magiar was recorded on 11 February 2022 in Rome.

A conversation with Masal Pas Bagdadi

Masal Pas Bagdadi is a psychotherapist and writer of several works of fiction and non-fiction. Born in Damascus (Syria) in 1938, at the age of five she fled to Palestine where she grew up in a Kibbutz, away from her family of origin. Since 1960 she has lived in Milan, where she has specialised in pediatric psychology.


The conversation between the PhD researcher, Rachelle Gloudemans, and Masal Pas Bagdadi was recorded on 3 May 2023 in Milan.

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